Darts News – A West Midlands Round Up By Alan Towe
In division one just two legs of average separate the top four teams Sheldon Marlborough Flights, Highwood KB’s, Willclare Sports and Social and Holy Souls all having the perfect start of two wins in their opening two games.
Crown Arrows have begun their season in division two with two impressive 8-1 wins against Meadway Sports and Social and Emerald Flights to give them a three legs average lead over Maggies who also began their season with an 8-1 win over Greville Arms and followed that with a 5-4 home win against Shirley RBL Misfits. Highwood Arrows are third on the same four points as the two teams above them but trailing in average.
Full Results:Week 1:Premier Division:- Langley Hall Sports and Social Arrows 4 (D.Tudor 100,2x140, L.Nixon 120b,140, D.Heath 2x100,121, C.Round 121, M.Barber 3x100,177) The Lyndon 5 (R.Lucas 100,125, D.Wright 100, S.Darby 100, J.Buckingham 133,140, P.Stephens 125, A.Daly 100, A.Foulkes 116b,2x100), Crown at Shard End 5 (A.Mayell 3x100, P.Shipley 2x100, N.Parsonage 2x100, M.Cooper 100,112b, A.Hoey 100, C.King 100,120b) Mackadown Social 4 (A.Kavanagh 101f, B.Allen 105b,100,120b, M.Anwar 130b, M.Heaven 120,140,114, G.James 100, A.Sheen 100,140, J.Cabena 101,118f), Castle Vale Residents 7 (G.Taylor 100,135, A.Rose 100, D.Phillips 103,110, J.Burdett 112b,139,140, B.Charlton 120b,101b) The Pirates 2 (S.Hughes 100, K.Green 140, G.Green 100, M.Naylor 2x100, J.Buttle 100), Sheldon Dukes 4 (M.O’Donnell 120, S.O’Donnell 112b, M.Riley 100, G.Groves 134) East Birmingham Allotments Association 5 (D.Sudbury 108b,2x100,156b, A.Hinton 121,140, L.O’Donnell 121, N.Davis 2x100, S.Whatmore 121,134, P.Carey 100,134), Saltley Amateur Gardeners 5 (R.Lawrence 100, S.Lytag 100b, T.Webster 2c100) The Pavillions 4 (R.Evans 154b,9 darts game,100b,140, B.Evans 100b,152, K.Richards 100, M.Tollis 100), Division One:- Sheldon Marlborough Flights 7 (P.Seadon 2x100,101, K.Salsbury 115, D.Humphries 100, P.Brown 100, B.Steptoe 2x100, D.Howlett 100,140, A.Eden snr 120) Sheldon Social 2 (M.Tilley 100, C.Roberts 100,140, S.Westerley 100,132, J.Toney 115,120b, C.Cotter 2x100, T.Owens 100), Wollclare Sports and Social 5 (Matt Holt 100, Mick Holt 100, D.Reid 2x100,108) George V 4 (B.Anderton 100, A.Savage 100b), Holy Souls 5 (T.Evans 100, M.O’Sullivan 120f,140, D.Lucas 100) Marston Green Tavern 4 (T.Knowles 140, P.Lawrance 101b, S.Cresser 2x100, B.Tranter 113), Highwood KB’s 5 (N.Wykes 140, W.Cooper 100, T.Constable 100,137, T.Hobbis 140,100, A.Hunt 140) Solihull Moors 4 (L.Hodges 131,100b,100f, M.Hicks 101b,120b, N.Warner 100, S.Hicks 105b,100b, I.Evans 100), Iron Horse 6 (J.Whitehouse 110b,100,140, T.Rainsford 121, J.Green 140, D.Mortiboys 140, R.Parry 100) Yardley Ex Colys 3 (S.Whadlock 100, P.Knowles 100, R.Collins 100, D.Wright 100,107), Division Two:- Greville Arms 1 (M.Stansfield 100,140, P.Thorley 100,101) Maggies 8 (R.Duncan 158,152b,101,11 darts game, B.Carter 100b,110,140, S.Hall 123), Emerald Flights 3 (A.Burbridge 100, A.Fisher 140, L.Adams 119) Highwood Arrows 6 (S.Payne 121,100, D.Carey 116,126), Meadway Sports and Social 1 (A Byard 100, S.Collins 121, M.McArthur 100,132, D.Delaney 100) Crown Arrows 8 (J.Gaskin 118, D.White 140, K.White 131, L.Vann 115, J.Morrisey 125), Highwood Exiles 2 (R.Harrison 100, D.Cooper 140) Small Heath Amateur Gardeners 7, Shirley RBL Misfits 7 (A.Ogg 100, F.Cotsford 132, T.Dixon 111b,120, C.De Silva 121,140, J.O’Sullivan 100,123, R.Randle 100,112, K.Bygrave 100,124,140) Langley Hall Sports and Social Flights 2 (S.Wasley 100), Week Two:Premier Division:- Crown at Olton 7 (A.Hutchings 100b,100, T.Randell 100f,12 darts game,125,140, B.Nixon 140, S.Kennedy 112b,100, J.Jennings 100, D.Duncan 101f) Langley Hall Sports and Social Arrows 2 (D.Heath 100, S.Nixon 102b, P.Connolly 100, D.Nixon 100,L.Nixon 100,120b, A.Barnfield 100,100b), The Lyndon 4 (S.Harding 100,120, G.Drennan 100, J.Buckingham 105b, P.Stevens 120b) Saltley Amateur Gardeners 5 (R.Lawrence 108b,130b, J.Phipps 100,152b, T.White 121,100, T.Webster 140), East Birmingham Allotments Association 4 (A.Hinton 100, D.Horley 100, P.Carey 140, S.Whatmore 100v, L.O’Donnell 105, B.Horley 100b, W.Skinner 100) Castle Vale Residents 5 (G.Taylor 100,140, R.Vann 100, D.Phillips 100,110b, R.Barritt 100, P.Nicholls 125, B.Charlton 100), The Pavillions 4 (A.Richards 100,100b, J.Moss 2x100, N.Robinson 180) Sheldon Dukes 5 (M.Hicks 100, L.Moylneux 101, G.Groves 100, P.Sunner 134, P.Pudge 116b,120, A.Plows 100,140, S.O’Donnell 100, M.O’Donnell 140), Division One:- George V 4 (J.Hinson 132,100, G.King 119, A.Savage 125,120b, C.Grimes 100) Sheldon Marlborough Flights 5 (K.Salsbury 113,100, J.Vaughan 140), Sheldon Heath Social 4 (C.Roberts 101, M.Tilley 2x100, R.Westley 100, C.Cotter 111b) Crown-Forget-Me-Not 5 (W.Griffiths 100, J.Lynch 100, C.Kettlewell jnr 121,126, D.Rawlins 100, S.Gardiner 103f), Marston Green Tavern 3 (M.Bennett 100, T.Knowles 109,101b,119f, P.Lawrence 120b,100, T.Comerford 125) Willclare Sports and Social 6 (M.Holt 100, J.Thomas 133), Solihull Moors 4 (M.Hicks 120b,113, L.Hodges 100, S.Green 2x120b,100, P.Vasey 121,127, I.Evans 101b, N.Warner 112b) Holy Souls 5 (C.Stokes 136b,12 darts game, M.O’Sullivan 100b,108, J.Rafter 100, J.Duffy 100), Yardley Ex Colts 3 (S.Whadlock 100, B.Law 105, G.McDonnell 100, D.Wright 100) Highwood KB’s 6 (D.Buckler 140, N.Wykes 116b, T.Hobbis 2x100,100f, G.Pagett 120b, T.Walton 140, A.Boyle 140, W.Cooper 100,160b, A.Hunt 116), Division Two:- Highwood Arrows 5 (S.Payne 100,100b, G.Thomas 2x100, J.King 108,100, D.Carey 105, M.Mitchell 120b) Greville Arms 4 (J.Cocchi 120b, C.Deegan 112b, M.Standsfield 102, A.Hawkins 100, P.Thorley 125, K.Hull 100), Maggies 5 (B.Carter 100b,140, N.Hall 100b,140, S.Hall 138,140, B.Swaine 100) Shirley RBL Misfits 4 (M.Hodgson 122, J.O’Sullivan 100,120b, M.Durling 100b), Crown Arrows 8 (J.Gaskin 100, J.Morrisey 100, R.Perkins 123, D.White 131) Emerald Flights 1 (A.Fisher 100, J.Brown 100), Small Heath Amateur Gardeners 3 (D.Brown 137, D.Hykin 140) Meadway Sports and Social 6 (S.Bennett 100,140, M.McArthur 100, S.Collins 100, M.Shellis 100), Ridgemere Flights 6 (P.Fielding 140, D.Davies 100) Highwood Exiles 3 (P.Harvey 117, J.Phipps 107f, R.Birch 115).
Court Oak took their unbeaten run in the Kings Norton League to eleven games when they won 4-3 away to fifth placed Stirchley United, not such good news for Kings Norton RBL though as they lost their second place to Hillyfields after losing 5-2 to them at home, both teams are now on 16 points Hillyfields slightly ahead on average the two of them six points behind Court Oak with a game in hand.
Full Results:Week 11:- Kings Norton Ex Serviceman’s Club 4 (Paul Corbett 100,138, S.Carr 135,140, K.Gater 100, C.Davenport 2x100,2x140, S.Brown 100,180, Peter Corbett 3x100,123) Billesley 3 (C.Smith 100, D.Singleton 113, P.Lilley 100, L.Jones 100, J.Eades 116, D.Jones 100,140, S.Moore 100,126), Kings Heath 2 (P.Morris 125, P.Hunt 100) Rubery RBL 5 (J.Ford 2x100,136, I.Medlicott 100,140,134, R.Packer 140,121, M.Pierce 2x100, S.Jacques 100,125,139), Stirchley United 3 (M.Welsh 2x100, T.Jeffs 3x100, D.Collins 2x100,2x140, K.Mason 5x100,105,140, P.Gossage 2x100, B.Thomas100,108,135, S.Riddick 3x100,121, C.Price 100) Court Oak 4 (E.Simpson 3x100,2x140,108, C.Burke 140, K.Bedder 3x100,115,140, V.Gould 5x100,140,180, J.Hykin 2x100, G.Dews 3x100,180, R.Mann 5x100, S.Pasetti 101,121, P.Blades100), Kings Norton RBL 2 (J.Good 100.125, J.Calt 140, T.Roberts 2x100,116, B.Morgan 2x100, N.Porter 100, D.Davenport 100,140, M.Ellis 125) Hillyfields 5 (K.Drain 2x100, P.Yardley 2x140,123, L.Fox 2x100, A.Vaughan 100, K.Vaughan 121,140), Coppice 6 (M.Jones 100, C.Heath 2x100,140, D.Hill 100, R.Mooney 100,132, M.Mooney 2x100, S.Bryan 100, D.Hill 180) Weoley Hill 1 (P.Cole 100,120, A.Meredith 140, J.Cole 2x100,135, J.Brookes100, R.Manders 100, L.Brown 135).
Three teams are on 18 points at the top of the Netherton Thursday Night League, a 6-3 win by Rose and Crown at The Widders keeps them in pole position on average from second placed White Swan who had a similar 6-3 home win over Fairfield. Third in the table Bulls Head played away to The Bell and like the two teams above them were 6-3 winners, however they have played and won all six games of their games as opposed to the two teams above them having played seven and lost one.
At the other end of the table Pensnett Liberal Club chalked up their first win in seven when they won 6-3 at home against White Horse to put them Crown and White Horse all on three points.
Full Results:- Pensnett Liberal 6 White Horse 3, The Bell 3 Bulls Head 6, White Swan 6 Fairfield 3, Dudley Ex Serviceman’s Club 7 The Crown 2, The Widders 3 Rose and Crown 6.
With all the domestic fixtures completed the South Birmingham League played off the semi finals and final of their Rose Bowl Consolation Cup, the first of the semi’s saw Toby Jug, who finished next to bottom of group one lose 5-3 to Smithswood Social who are next to bottom of group two. The second of the semis brought together the bottom teams of both groups with the group one team The Bell beating Kingfisher 5-2.

2015-10-03 - South Birmingham League - Rose Bowl Consolation Cup Winners Smithswood Social
The final was another triumph for the group two side as Smithswood Social ran out 5-3 winners against The Bell.
Full Results:Rose Bowl Consolation Cup:Semi Finals:- Toby Jug 3 (I.Beatie 100,140, B.Blair 102, D.Revitt 100,140,123,T.Adams 100) Smithswood Social 5 (L.Hughes 115, S.King 120, P.Cobley 125,111,121,4x100, N.Wilson 100, M.Bailey 103,109f,125), The Bell 5 (J.Creen 116,100, N.Walker 121, T.Anderton 140, B.Anderton 2x100, M.Osborne 2x100) Kingfisher 2 (R.Sharple 180, S.Boden 3x100) Final:- Smithswood Social 5 (M.Bailey 115,101,100, L.Hughes 100, L.Walker 180, M.Winstanley 100, N.Wilson 101) The Bell 3 (M.Osbourne 2x100, B.Anderton-125, B.Davis-100).
It was Knockout Cup final week in the Forest of Arden Summer League and taking the honours was Journeys End who made it a fantastic treble having won the Division One title, the Division One Cup and now the Knockout Cup with a close but nevertheless a decisive 4-3 win against next to bottom of the division Greville Arrows whose D.Duggan notched a maximum.
Full Results: Knockout Cup:Final:- Journeys End 4 (S.Edwards 101b,100,130b, L.Barberan 100, A.Howell 100, D.Duncan 140, J.Jennings 100) Greville Arrows 3 (A.Sansfield 138, A.Hawkins 100, C.Okey 100,119,125, K.Dugan 100f, D.Dugan 180,2x100).
It was top half against bottom half this week in the Camp Hill League, leaders HMS Lions made it five straight wins when they handed out a 7-0 whitewash to their hosts Wagon and Horses to stay two points ahead of the rest of the field while second in the table Cotterills Lane Club had a 5-2 home win against Lady Westminster. Holy Gulp are third and they beat bottom of the table Devil’s Club 6-1.
Full Results:- Cotterills Lane Club 5 Lady Westminster 2, Wagon and Horses 0 HMS Lions 7, Devil’s Club 1 Holy Gulp 6.
Keep It In The Family suffered their first defeat of the new season in the Winmau Centre Monday Night League when they went down 38-10 to reigning champions and current table toppers The Untouchables. With 110 points Untouchables are just one point ahead of Misfits in second place who had a similar 38-10 win against Barney Army.
In addition to the top two having won all three of their opening fixtures third placed What Are Thoooes also made it three straight wins when they beat Bulls Hitters 30-18 to put them on 96 points 14 fewer than The Untouchables.
Four players Dan Edmunds (The Untouchables), Neil Salter (Misfits), Owen Maiden (What Are Thooose) and Bob Lockley (What’s The Point) all recorded two 180’s, there was one each for Andy Busby (The Untouchables), Matthew Barnfather (Barney Army), Martin Wellsbury (Here For The Beer) and Alex Simmons (Bulls Hitters).
Full Results:- Keep It In The Family 10 The Untouchables 38 (Dan Edmunds 2x180, Andy Busby 180), Barney Army 10 (Matthew Barnfather 180, John Porter 147f) Misfits 38 (Neil Salter 2x180), Here For The Beer 20 (Martin Wellsbury 180) Mad House 28, What Are Thooose 30 (Owen Maiden 2x180) Bulls Hitters 18 (Alex Simmons 180, James Owen 102f), Where’s My Team 6 What’s The Point 42 (Bob Lockley 2x180).
The Stourbridge and District Monday Night League have got their new season underway and reigning champions Ashwood could not have wished for a better start as they kicked off with a 9-0 whitewash over High Acres, Brickmakers Arms, who finished last season in fourth place were also 9-0 winners at The Swan while Bird ‘A’ (Stourbridge), Queens and Ten Arches ‘A’ were not far behind as in turn they defeated Bird ‘B’, Garibaldi and Shrubbery Cottage 8-1.
Full Results:Week 1:- Bird ‘A’ (Stourbridge) 8 Bird ‘B’ (Stourbridge) 1, The Swan 0 Brickmakers Arms 9, Church Tavern 5 Stourbridge RBL 4, Plough 4 The Fox (Lye) 5, Quarry Bank Conservative Club 4 Britannia 5, Ten Arches ‘A’ 8 Shrubbery Cottage 1, Garibaldi 1 Queens 8, New Inns 2 Ten Arches ‘B’ 7, Kingswinford Conservative Club 5 Crestwood 4, Ashwood 9 High Acres 0, The Cat (Wordsley) 2 Bird (Wordsley) 7.
There was sweet revenge for The Vine in the final of the Black Country Windscreens Trophy in the Hilltop Friendly Tuesday Night League defeating Old Hop Pole 5-2 after they had lost to them in last season’s final.
Full Results:Black Country Windscreens Trophy:Final:- The Vine 5 Old Hop Pole 2.
A final reminder that the Winmau Centre in the Wolverhampton Sports Arena, Racecourse Road, Wolverhampton, WV6 0QU will also be staging the latest of its second Thursday in the month knockouts tomorrow night with a guaranteed top prize of £100 for just a £5 entry fee.
Deadline for entry is 7-45 pm on the night with an 8-00pm start, games will be best of seven legs of 501 up to the semi finals when they will go to best of nine and then play the best of eleven in the final.
A top of the table clash in the Halesowen Monday Night Ladies League has seen former leaders White Horse drop to second place after losing 4-3 to their nearest rivals Spring Meadow who have taken over pole position but only on average as both teams have 30 points, in the Captains Cup Black Horse have been ousted from their number one spot after losing to The Widders and again its Spring Meadow who go top after a win against White Horse.
Full Results:- Townsend 3 Haden Cross 4, Spring Meadow 4 White Horse 3, The Widders 3 Black Horse 4, Captains Cup:- Townsend lost to Haden Cross, Spring Mead beat White Horse, The Widders beat Black Horse.
Kevin Lane has put himself within striking distance of Kevin Harris who leads the Winmau Centre Thursday Night Champions League on 191 points from 36 game’s, Lane in second place is only six points adrift with two games in hand which could net him 14 points. In his last two games Lane helped his cause with a 6-1 win over Adam Hill followed by a 7-0 success against Liam Whale. Third in the table Mick O’Neill also won his two games 4-3 against Adam Hill and 7-0 against Liam Whale but trails Lane by seven points and has played one game more than his rival.
Full Results:Week 22:- Adam Hill 5 Kristian Wharton 2, Andy Whale 7 Adam Hill 0, Robert Pierce 3 Kristian Wharton 4, Liam Whale 4 Tam Singh 3, Andy Whale 0 Robert Pierce 7, Mick O’Neill 4 Adam Hill 3, Kristian Wharton 6 Chris Fox 1, Adam Hill 1 Kevin Lane 6, Mick O’Neill 7 Liam Whale 0, Robert Pierce 4 Chris Fox 3, Liam Whale 0 Kevin Lane 7.
Rose and Crown (Brierley Hill) suffered a shock 5-4 home defeat at the hands of the Liberal Club in the Brierley Hill Monday Night League as Rose and Crown were third in the table and drop to fourth with 46 points and the Liberal Club thirteenth, eighteen points behind them.
The top two teams are still battling it out for the title Dudley Sports ‘C’ hold on to the top spot with 58 points after a 6-3 home win against Roebuck while second placed Bridge ‘B’ won 5-4 away to Dudley Sports ‘A giving them 56 points, after the leading duo comes a gap of eight points to third placed High Acres who have also played one game more than the leading pair.
Full Results:Week 34:- Dudley Sports ‘C’ 6 Roebuck 3, Griffin 3 High Acres 6, Dog and Lamppost ‘A’ 5 Tenth Lock 4, Queens Head (Wordsley) 2 Black Horse 7, Old Star 1 Portway 8, Bridge ‘A’ 3 Dudley Sports ‘B’ 6, Dudley Sports ‘A’ 4 Bridge ‘B’ 5, Blue Brick 0 Bulls Head (Netherton) 9, The Swan 6 Dog and Lamppost ‘B’ 3, Rose and Crown (Brierley Hill) 4 Liberal Club 5.
Brickmakers Arms stay on course for the Cradley Tuesday Night League title as they won their home tie with Bulls Head 6-3. Crown ‘B’ with a convincing 8-1 win over Members Club ‘B are second on 50 points, two less than Brickmakers but no result has come in for Crown ‘A’ who are third and they have 48 points from only 29 games and so have two games in hand on the leaders and wins in those games would put them on level points but would go top with the better average.
Full Results:- Crown ‘B’ 8 Members Club ‘B’ 1, Wheatsheaf 7 Roost ‘B’ 2, Hawne Lane Tavern 5 The Vine 4, Crown (Simms Lane) 7 Plough and Harrow 2, Gate Hangs Well 7 Netherton Sports and Social 2, Brickmakers Arms 6 Bulls Head 3.
Little change at the top of the Black Country Premier League as the top three teams all won in week nine, leaders Blackheath Beechers kept their 100% win record intact by handing their hosts Hounds of Wynall a 12-0 thrashing while second placed Britannia Bulldogs beat Springfield Rifles 10-5 to leave them just two points behind Beechers and see their opponents drop from third to fifth in the table and leave them six points off the top. Woodside Poaches take over third place their 9-7 win against Railway Buffers taking their points tally to 14.
Full Results:Week 9:- Old Hill Royals 6 (B.Neale 160b) Wynall Warriors 8 (D.Haden 120b, S.Roberts 100b), Storming Stags 5 Black Country Belters 10 (J.Lock 180), Springfield Rifles 5 (K.Chambers 180, P.O’Brien 114f) Britannia Bulldogs 10 (D.Simpson 105f,110f, B.Watts 148b), Hollybush Darters 6 Mighty Mitre 7, Woodside Poachers 9 (M.Rollinson 100f, R.Colley 112b,100f) Railway Buffers 7 (M.Roberts 152b, S.Hill 160b, S.Crump 107f), Hounds of Wynall 0 Blackheath Beechers 12 (J.Lowe 160b,120b,14 darts game, L.Eaves 112b), Brickmaker Big Dogs 7 Hasbury Hunters 7, Batham Bandits 4 Vintage Gamers 10).
Victoria were the only losers in the top three teams in division one of the Wolverhampton Tuesday Night League a surprising 4-3 home defeat by Chillington Club who are just four places off the foot of the table with only nine wins from 24 games while Victoria are on 36 points and have 18 wins, however their loss sees them drop one place with Riley’s ‘C’ replacing them in the third spot, their 6-1 win over Bradmore ‘A’ giving them a total points of 38 four less than second placed ECC who also won 6-1 at Wednesfield Legion ‘A’ to keep them within two points of leaders Wednesfield FC who had a 7-0 home win over Dog and Partridge.
The top of the table remains the same in division two as top team Whitmore Reans WMC won 7-0 at Moreton and second placed Pheasant with the same scoreline beat Red Lion, both teams are on 38 points with Whitmore just having the edge by one point of average. Third in the table Roebuck were 5-2 winners against Three Crowns to give them 36 points two fewer than the leading duo but they have played one game less than both of them.
Full Results:Division One:- Ashmore Inn 4 Otter and Vixen 3, Bradmore ‘B’ 6 Railway 1, Corpus 5 Riley’s ‘D’ 2, Penn Bowling 2 Merry Boys 5, Riley’s ‘C’ 6 Bradmore ‘A’ 1, Victoria 3 Chillington Club 4, Village Inn 4 Cabin 3, Wednesfield Conservative Club 5 Jacks Bar 2, Wednesfield FC 7 Dog and Partridge 0, Wednesfield Legion ‘A’ 1 ECC 6, Division Two:- Boat ‘B’ 2 Old Stags Head 5, Castle 2 Emerald 5, Moreton 0 Whitmore Reans WMC 7, Pendulum 5 Bull 2, Pheasant 7 Red Lion 0, Riley’s ‘A’ 5 Wednesfield Legion ‘C’ 2, Roebuck 5 Three Crowns 2, Wednesfield Legion ‘B’ 4 Bird in Hand 3.
A 5-2 home win by Riley’s ‘A’ over Village Inn guarantees the hosts the league title in the Tettenhall Wednesday Night league as they now have 54 points from 30 games and their nearest rivals Otter and Vixen are on 48 points after beating Whitmore Reans WMC 5-2 and with just three games to play Riley’s ‘A can be caught on points but not on average.
At the foot of the table the bottom two teams played each other and it was next to bottom Brewood British Legion who got the 5-2 result against bottom team Dog and Partridge.
Full Results:Week 30:- Brewood British Legion 5 Dog and Patridge 2, Bull 2 Riley’s ‘B’ 5, Jones Road 2 Claregate 5, Moreton 3 Woodfield Social 4, Riley’s ‘A’ 5 Village Inn 2, Whitmore Reans WMC 2 Otter and Vixen 5.