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Article: Grand Slam of Darts Walkongirls Special - Meet Nicola Cowell

Grand Slam of Darts Walkongirls Special - Meet Nicola Cowell


To celebrate that crowd favourite Nicola Cowell has returned to our screens this week at the Grand Slam of Darts for the first time since she left to take a year out in Australia, I recently got in touch with her and asked her a few questions...


Are you glad to be back at the darts and have you missed being a darts walk on girl?

I am thrilled to be back working for the darts!!!! I missed all the crew at Sky and the PDC and have kept in touch with everyone along my travels. I^ve had some lovely messages off John McDonald and Rod Harrington whilst I^ve been away wishing me luck and it^s great to catch up with everyone again! Being a Walk-on Girl is such a great experience and the fans are all fantastic, I^ve had some lovely comments and messages along the way so thank-you all!!!!


What have you been looking forward to the most?

I can^t wait to hear the good old darts theme tune music and see the crowds go wild!!! I am currently enjoying catching up with friends and the old walk-on girls like Nicola Moriarty and Sarah Tunnicliffe. A few of my friends have had babies and got engaged so its been great seeing all them although it has reminded me that I’m now 24 and the clock is ticking so I need to get a move on and find a decent fella.....if there’s any offers lol!!  Obviously its been great seeing my family, I didn^t tell any of them I was coming home and just turned up on the doorstep one Friday afternoon so everyone was thrilled to see me (although they have been asking when I’m going^s only been 4 weeks!!!!)


As you say, you^ve only been 4 weeks... How did you manage to get back up on the stage at the Grand Slam as a walkongirls so soon after your return to the UK?

I managed to get back on the darts so quickly as my friend Joanne Birchall, who^s currently making an album, told the PDC/Sky crew that I was back for good from Australia so within a day or two they contacted me to see if i^d be interested in the work....and of course....I said yes!!! receives lots of emails from girls wanting to find out how to become a walkongirl – do you have any advice?

In the modeling and TV industry it counts a lot on getting a good agency, making good contacts and a little bit of Luck!!!! You need to put yourself out there and it takes a lot of time and effort to get good working contacts.

Keep in touch with other models, speak to agencies and ask what work they get in but remember not to spend money on model schools, joining agencies etc etc, There are a lot of con-agencies out there who will offer photo shoots and work for a silly amount of money......If an agency really likes you, they will arrange your photographs for free and may offer you prints for a small cost.

Finally you MUST have a good attitude when working with other models, the public and crew members. There are hundreds of other girls willing to take your place so there is no room for a diva in the dressing room. Good Luck Girls :)


When did you first appear as a darts walkongirl? Can you remember how many times have you been a walkongirl?

My first walk-on (I think) was Manchester with Nicola Moriarty in 2007 .........We had a great time working together and I got on brilliantly with the production crew. I couldn^t count the number of times I have been a walk-on girl across the country. If anybody works it out let me know lol :)

You are working later this week at the Grand Slam of Darts with one of the more regular walkongirls Sarah Tunnicliffe. How long you’ve worked together and are you friends outside of modeling?

Myself and Tunny have been friends for a long time, we have worked on a few jobs earlier in modeling together and from then have stayed good friends, We try and see each other as much as possible outside of work and usually meet up for lunch with a couple of other friends.

So, I hear... (ok ok, via Facebook) ...that you^ve taken some time out and spent the last year over at the other side of the world. Tell us a little about what you got up to ^down under^.

Well........Australia was fantastic, absolutely loved it!!!! I started off in Melbourne and then went on to stay in Sydney for 3 months where I worked at the Loft as a cocktail waitress/Hostess. I worked at the car events across Sydney which was fantastic and joined a promotion/Model agency for ome shoots.

From there I went on to work in Karratha as a barmaid by the mining town and had an amazing experience there and made some excellent friends.

After that I went on to do some travelling, worked on a farm picking fruit and veg and ended up finally in Shark Bay, the most beautiful place i^ve visited so far in Australia.

I worked on a Pearl Farm out at sea (Monkey Mia) and in a local pub which was full of local ozzy characters!!!!

On the whole, eating, drinking, sight seeing and socialising were the main points !!!

I visited Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and then had a trip up the west coast - to Northampton, Geraldton, Coral Bay, Turquoise Bay, Shark Bay, Money Mia, Karattha, Broome and Darwin. I did a three day bus ride to Cairns and then headed back over to Shark bay!


 How long are you back in the UK? I hear you might go back to Australia again.

I^m planning to stay in England now, get back into work and possibly go away next summer (but this time more local - Marbella or Ibiza!!)

Are we likely to see you at THE BIG ONE - the World Championships - at the Ally Pally over Xmas?

Fingers Crossed. I will be speaking with Matt Porter and the Sky crew and if they want me there I shall definitely have that down in my diary!!!! 

Tell us a little about Nikki Cowell away from the TV – what are your likes/dislikes. Give us some gossip etc

Away from the TV, I love my family and friends, and apart from the cold weather, its lovely to be home.

I have a bad habit of collecting dressing gowns - [Eh? -]. I have about six and love walking round the house in them over my clothes lol!!! (NOT IN PUBLIC).

I’m a great fan of food! It’s definitely true when they say that food is the way to a girls heart and I love a good social drink with friends occasionally.

I work as a Hostess on Liverpool^s Newz Bar and Model/Promote through the week.

I spend a lot of my spare time looking after my brothers kids, they have changed a lot since I’ve been away so its great to take them out to ^Farmer Teds^, the park and they love playing with Nicola Moriartys little boy^s.

Dislikes.....well I used to hate spiders but after being in Australia I got a bit used to them, especially the deadly ones!! So British house spiders don^t scare me anymore!

I^m not a huge fan of the dull weather we tend to get over here and I think it will take me a long time to get used to the cold again! - [Heads up fellas! -] - I^m still single, and loving it, although a Christmas boyfriend wouldn^t be too bad. I^ll get him a matching dressing gown and we can be like posh and becks.........just kidding!!


If a darts player were to ask you on a date, who would you hope had asked? And would you say ^yes^?

Number 1 rule.......don^t mix work with pleasure! The darts guys are all great and a good laugh on and off set, but everyone is very professional. Most have wives and girlfriends anyway - and they’re all a lovely bunch of ladies.


Who is your favourite player and why?

Well I’ve been off the scene for a while but I’ve always liked Simon Whitlock.....he^s an OZZY!! He^s a modest and friendly guy and I really enjoy his walk-on. For the (apologies) ^older^ players its a close toss up between Rodders (Rod Harrington) and Eric Bristow!


Whats on your Christmas list?

A holiday!! haha

I^m quite easily pleased though, a nice roast dinner off my mum (best cook), new earrings and of course a fluffy dressing gown :)

I hope that you have enjoyed Nicolas^ interview. To show your appreciation, please would you give just £1 to my chosen charity (Children in Need) by clicking on this link. Of course you don^t have to... but wouldn^t you feel guilty if you didn^t?

PS I^m at the GSoD on Friday. Look out for me on the front row in HD or if you^re there - be sure to say "Hi!"


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