To support this revolutionary new cue technology, we are also launching the first everinteractive SightRight Cue Sports / Billiards training App for phones and tablets to bringFeeney^s unique SightRight Coaching Methods to cue sports and billiard playersthroughout the world. This App is available to download through Apple (Click Here!) and Google (Click Here!).
The exciting new SightRight App, delivered by coach Feeney himself, takes playersthrough 4 SightRight Coaching Steps and, in conjunction with a cue fitted withSightRight Technology, helps players learn and practice the SightRight methods androutines which have helped some legends of the game and turned players intoChampions.
During the last 18 years Feeney has worked with snooker legends Steve Davis, JimmyWhite plus many of the world^s top snooker stars. He is the current coach to 2014Shanghai Masters Champion - Stuart Bingham and 2013 Shoot Out Champion - MartinGould both of whom feature in the APP.
Finally, we are also launching an elite SightRight Cue Sports / Billiards coachingprogramme to help develop and train coaches worldwide in SightRight Methods. Starsof the future and keen amateur players will now, for the first time, be able to benefitfrom the work of Steve Feeney and SightRight.
Buy your new Riley ^SightRight^ Cue today, download the SightRight App, and you toocould soon be playing like a champion! Also see the free to view promo video whichtells you more about SightRight
Stuart Lacey, Managing Director – RileyBCE
26th November 2014