Team India Darts Launches with Rohit Rabadia has been launched to promote the sport of darts to more ethnicities and at the professional level on the BDO in the UK and Europe.
After a brainstorm after the darts world cup last year in Ireland where Rohit could not represent his mother country India, this triggered him to start a new project which would allow any player, regardless of religion, colour, sex and age to come on board this new project and have a gateway to take their darts further into the professional game.
This project is called and a sub project called
Rohit has got Prakash Jiwa involved in this project; the only professional Indian playing on the PDC. The excitement of having a project involving players from all organisations and different backgrounds only makes this a bigger project.
Rohit’s aim is not only to try and win titles, but main aim is to get more youngsters of different religions / backgrounds playing at the highest level and to finally get rid of this stereotype surrounding the sport.
It is an amazing project and we can only praise Rohit for taking this challenge on and growing the sport of darts.