The Adonis Run up to the Word Championships
It’s that time of year again ‘The World Championships’ starting Friday!!!!!
This Great Tournament and the Alexandra Palace is such a Brilliant Venue.
I have been putting in extra practise on my shots out as I was disappointed at missing so many doubles against Merv in Minehead after such a good game against Barney in the first round but positive thinking I have been performing well all year so I am really hoping for a good run in the Worlds.
My first round match is on Tuesday evening against Kyle Anderson ( Australian) and I am looking forward to it.
My sponsors for this tournament are Winmau, Wigley Commercial, and The Porters Lodge London
As you may know I am having my website re-vamped and the new look should be up and running in a few days.
Enjoy all the festivities and of course the darts!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Darting