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Darts, Beers & Cheers! ( Staff writer Andrew Devonshire interviews the one and only Dennis Priestley this month. Dennis is a true legend of the game of darts and Darts, Beers & Cheers are delighted to have had this chat with Dennis as he winds down his wonderful career.

Hello Dennis, it^s great to be interviewing you. 2010 is your winding down year, will this definitely be your last year and are you filled with sadness at the thought of this ?

"No sadness at all. I will still compete in the TV tournaments where ever i am invited."

You^ve had a remarkable career and been at the yop so long, you must look back with great pride & satisfaction at everything you^ve achieved ?

"Yes it^s been a rollercoaster ride for 20 years, I^ve probably under achieved if anything."

When you first started out playing darts in Yorkshire, was it just as a hobby, or did you believe you could go further ?

"Yes it was just a hobby to begin with, all those years ago !!"

It must have been an incredible experience when you won the World Championship in 1991, going into the event what were your goals for the week  ?

"To get into the last 8, so i would be invited back the following year."

Throughout your long & successful career there must have been low points along the way, what would you say was your lowest point on the oche ?

"It has to be defending my World title in 1995 and losing to John Lowe 3 sets to nil. I couldn^t hit a double to save my life, or as they say, a cow^s arse with a shovel !!"

You^ve been Phil Taylor^s biggest rival, aside from Phil who^s been your toughest opponent ?

"After Phil to be honest, no one stands out as a rival thats given me problems."

You^ve played darts and won tournaments all over the world, is there a particular place/event you^ve enjoyed going back to again and again ?

"There are many, but probably enjoyed Canada the most."

Have you ever hit a 9 darter in competition and can you remember the first time you achieved the feat ?

"Yes i hit one in the Chicago Open, i also hit one on cable TV  in Canada. At an exhibition in London i hit two 9 darters  and missed the double 18 for a third  !!"

Your 60 yrs of age now, do you wish you were 20 yrs younger and starting all over again with the way darts is booming ?

"Yes please, i would make a fortune !"

You throw quite a lightweight dart, has this always been the case ?

"No, i actually started off throwing a 26 grm dart."

You^ve won PDC Tour events as recent as 2009 and your still ranked in the top 16, do you hope to pick up another tour title before the end of  2010 ?

"Yes that would be really nice, I^ll try my hardest."

You^ve cut back your schedule of events this year, has it been nice being at home or have you been getting under Jenny^s feet ?

"Yes to both lol !!"

When you do eventually call it a day on the PDC  Tour, do you intend to walk away completely or are you going to be a ^menace^ on the Legends Tour ?

"I^m going to always be a ^menace^, hopefully that will happen with the Legends."

Thank you very much Dennis for your time and I^m sure i speak for thousands of your fans in congratulating on your recent 60th birthday and thank you for all the sheer brilliance you have given us on the oche over the years.

Good luck and continued success for the rest of 2010 and a happy retirement- whenever that time may arise from us all at Darts, Beers & Cheers.

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